Location Type

23 results found

Habitat for Humanity Chatham-Kent
566 Riverview Drive
Chatham, ON N7M 0N2

Phone: 519-352-4440

Email: info@habitatchatham-kent.ca
Cornwall & the Counties
Habitat for Humanity Cornwall & the Counties
1400 Vincent Massey Drive, Unit 9
Cornwall, ON K6J 5N4

Phone: 613-938-0413

Email: leigh@habitatcornwall.org
Greater Ottawa
3 Iber Rd
3 Iber Road
Ottawa, ON K2S 1E6

Phone: 613-749-9950

Email: admin@habitatgo.com
Greater Toronto Area
Habitat for Humanity GTA
155 Bermondsey Road
Toronto, ON M4A 1X9

Phone: 416-755-7353

Email: info@habitatgta.ca
Grey Bruce
Habitat for Humanity Grey Bruce
223017 Grey Road 17
Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N7

Phone: 519-371-6776

Email: info@habitatgreybruce.ca
Guelph Wellington
Habitat for Humanity Guelph Wellington
104 Dawson Road, Suite 100B
Guelph, ON N1H 1A6

Phone: 519-767-9752

Email: info@habitatgw.ca
Habitat for Humanity Halton-Mississauga-Dufferin
1800 Appleby Line, Unit 10 & 11
Burlington, ON L7L 6A1

Phone: 905-637-4446

Email: info@habitathm.ca
Habitat for Humanity Hamilton
285 Nash Road, Unit 1
Hamilton, ON L8H 7P4

Phone: 905-560-6707

Email: info@habitathamilton.ca
Heartland Ontario
Habitat for Humanity Heartland Ontario
1-611 Wonderland Road North
London, ON N6H 4V6

Phone: 519-455-6623

Email: info@habitat4home.ca
Huron County
Habitat for Humanity Huron County
P.O. Box 453
Goderich, ON N7A 4C7

Phone: 519-612-1614

Email: habitatboard@habitathuroncounty.ca
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