2 young girls and 1 boy kicking a soccer ball on the front lawn of a home

How donations help

We rely on gifts from individuals like you, corporations and other groups to help families in need of decent and affordable homes in Canada and around the world. All donations of any amount are deeply appreciated.

Donations may be designated to local Habitats across Canada for homebuilding projects, international building programs, or our Indigenous Housing Partnership. Undesignated gifts will be directed wherever they will have the greatest impact. Sometimes this means they are used to help us build capacity within Habitat Canada so that we are able to better support local Habitats, raise more money, and in turn, support an even greater number of families across Canada and through our international programs.

Young girl smiling, standing inside a house by the window

In a year like no other, we decided to tell our story in a different way, with no beginning, middle or end, but rather, as a mosaic, a collection of stories that highlight incredible achievements in an extraordinary year.

Mother and daughter hugging and smiling, standing at the doorway of a house

The facts and figures behind the strength, stability and independence we built in 2019.

The overhead myth

We understand that you want your hard-earned dollars to have a direct impact on serving the causes you care about most. If Habitat for Humanity is one of those causes we are incredibly grateful!

We are proud to be an accredited charity through the Imagine Canada Standards Program, and take our commitment to financial accountability and transparency very seriously.

Your donations, along with volunteer builders and donated materials, help keep the cost of building homes low. But there are many costs associated with running a not-for-profit including overhead such as fundraising, infrastructure and staffing. Without these investments, we can’t help more families through our work.

Whether through programming or administration, your donations allow us to continue our work of building safe, decent and affordable homes that empower families to build strength, stability and a better life for themselves and their children.

Local donations have a global impact

When you donate to local Habitat builds, you’re supporting a local initiative with a global impact. For every Habitat home built in their community, local Habitats are asked to make a symbolic donation of $2,500 towards our Global Neighbours Fund for the bricks and mortar cost of building a home for a family in a developing country.