Young boy riding a bike, background is a front lawn and a house

Apply for Housing

Our affordable homeownership program provides working families and individuals with an opportunity to purchase a decent home by partnering with a local Habitat for Humanity.

Habitat’s path to homeownership is an important and in-depth process, requiring hard work, time and dedication. But this helps to ensure the long-term success of Habitat homeowners.

Anyone can apply to become a Habitat homeowner, but must be in need of housing, able to make affordable mortgage payments and be willing to actively partner with their local Habitat, including a commitment to completing 500 volunteer hours. If you are selected to become a Habitat homeowner, your local Habitat will work with you to help prepare you for the responsibilities of homeownership, which may include workshops on budgeting, home maintenance and more.

To learn more about the application process and eligibility criteria, please contact your local Habitat. The eligibility criteria, mortgage model offered or builds currently accepting applications can vary, so please reach out to your local Habitat for more details. Your local Habitat will be able to provide more information about applying, including whether they are currently accepting applications and if you are eligible.

Becoming a Habitat homeowner is hard work, but it’s worth it. According to a survey of Habitat homeowners, Habitat for Humanity families are more physically active, more involved in their community and their kids have lower dropout rates and are more likely to pursue post-secondary education. Habitat homeowners are also more financially secure, with an affordable mortgage payment that is geared to your income.