Home Equals is a five-year global advocacy campaign dedicated to achieving policy change, at all levels, to ensure that people living in informal settlements have equitable access to adequate housing. Together, with partners, governments and communities, we can create lasting change so that people living in informal settlements have safe and secure homes.

Currently, the more than 1 billion people around the world living in informal settlements, such as slums or favelas, are not treated as equals — their homes often lack basic services, land tenure security and climate resilience.

A home without access to clean water means families are at risk of life-threatening diseases.

A home without land rights means families live in fear of eviction with their futures on hold. A poorly built home in a disaster-prone area means families are more vulnerable to climate change.

A home where civic participation is limited means families struggle to have their voices heard. This isn’t fair, this isn’t right.

It will take the power of communities coupled with policy change to ensure access to adequate housing for all. Read more about Home Equals.