two female volunteers wearing blue habitat t-shirt and hard hat, working on the side of a house

Partner with us

Do you share our vision of a world where everyone has a safe and decent place to live? An investment in Habitat is an investment in healthier communities and a more productive nation.

Habitat for Humanity is one of the most powerful brands in the world

A 2018 World Value Index and 2018 Enduring Brand Index​ ranked Habitat as a Top Five Brand that inspires consumers most with their mission. Our brand equity is valued at $15.6 billion.

Whether you're interested in giving back nationally or to the communities you serve and work in, motivating and engaging your team, or building awareness through a cause marketing initiative, we can help your organization better engage consumers and employees.

The benefits of partnering with us

Beyond positive brand association, partnership with Habitat helps companies achieve their ESG and business goals:

  • Show your support for equitable, diverse and inclusive communities​
  • Highlight a commitment to sustainability​
  • Expand your impact beyond Canada​
  • Empower youth​
  • Showcase your product ​
  • Provide meaningful engagement opportunities for staff and key stakeholders​
  • Profile your commitment to community investment​

​We'll work with your organization to create a customized partnership plan that meets your strategic giving objectives.

Examples of how your organization can get involved

Donate building materials to Habitat builds in the communities your organization operates in or nationally.

Develop effective cause marketing campaigns with a portion of sales going directly to Habitat Canada.

Invest in your organization and community by engaging your team on a Habitat for Humanity build site.

Your organization’s investment can help us inspire and engage more youth and provide them with on-the-job training and life skills that can have a long-lasting and life-changing impact.

Our Habitat ReStores rely on donations. Many companies have found Habitat ReStores to be a viable product solution while also helping the community.

With the generous support of donors like you and our volunteers, we can expand and help more Indigenous families build strength, stability and self-reliance.

When you support our international work, you’re helping build new and improved shelter for communities in need of housing.

With the support of partners like you, the Meaning of Home contest will continue to engage and empower Canadian students to make a difference in their communities.

Did you know enhancing the energy efficiency of a home adds 10-15% to building costs? Your financial support will offset these costs and ensure Habitat homes remain energy efficient and sustainable in the long-term.

Create employee fundraising programs, payroll deduction plans or corporate matching plans.

Find out how we can customize a partnership plan to meet your organization’s giving objectives by emailing partnerships@habitat.ca or calling 1-800-667-5137 x2.

With a lot of help from our friends