13 hammers standing upright side by side in a bucket

Major giving and gifts of securities

Major giving

Are you considering making a donation of $5,000 or more? Our team can work with you to determine how to structure and direct your gift to ensure it has a meaningful impact. When you make a major gift, you are providing families in need of decent, affordable housing across Canada and around the world with hope for a better future.

Gifts of securities

By donating publicly traded securities, you can avoid the capital gains tax that you would have to pay if you sold the securities and then donated the proceeds. We will issue a charitable tax receipt for your donation of securities. Securities can include stocks, mutual funds, segregated funds, bonds, flow-through shares and employee stock options. You can give now or as part of your estate and will planning.

Consult your financial advisor to decide which securities make the most sense for you to donate. Then ask your broker to transfer your securities to Habitat for Humanity Canada by completing the securities transfer form. And finally, get in touch and let us know you have made your gift so that we can show our appreciation.

We're here to help

If you would like to discuss major giving or gifts of securities, contact securities@habitat.ca .