Jun. 25, 2021

Statement on behalf of Habitat for Humanity Canada and Habitat for Humanity Saskatchewan on the tragic recovery at the former residential school on Cowessess First Nation

Habitat for Humanity Canada and our colleagues at Habitat Saskatchewan and across the country are horrified with yesterday’s announcement of the recovery of additional unmarked graves at the site of the former residential school on Cowessess First Nation, Saskatchewan.

Sadly, we know that there are likely many more similar recoveries to come. We remain steadfast in our support for finding and telling the truth and the urgent need to follow the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to redress the legacy of residential schools and advance the process of reconciliation in Canada.

We support the Indigenous families and communities who want to understand what happened to their loved ones at the Marieval Residential School and at other residential school sites across this country. It is what every parent and family would want, and what these families deserve to know. Further, it is imperative that Canadians take the time to understand the gravity of residential schools on our past and present.

Julia Deans
President and CEO
Habitat for Humanity Canada

Denis Perrault
Chief Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity Saskatchewan