Oct. 09, 2024

At Habitat on the Hill, Habitat leaders press MPs for tax relief that supports affordable homeownership

Since the introduction of Canada’s National Housing Strategy in 2017, Habitat for Humanity in Canada has paid close to $19 million GST/HST.

Habitat leaders from across Canada gathered in Ottawa for Habitat on the Hill

In October, 2024, Habitat leaders from across Canada raised our collective voices in Ottawa for “Habitat on the Hill” a day of conversations with parliamentarians to take action on affordable housing.

In meetings with close to 40 Members of Parliament and other decision-makers, Habitat leaders spoke about the impact of Habitat’s affordable homeownership program on families in their local communities, and the federal policies that can help that impact grow.

We raised the issue of GST/HST relief, a measure the federal government has adopted on many forms of housing in the last 12 months to help alleviate Canada’s housing crisis, including purpose-built co-operative housing, student housing, and rental housing.

But not the not-for-profit affordable homes that Habitat builds.

CEO of Habitat for Humanity Niagara Mark Carl, Habitat Canada National Director of Housing Policy and Government Relations Alana Lavoie, and Habitat Canada President and CEO Pedro Barata meet with Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Chris Bittle

Because we sell homes at fair market value, we pay GST/HST on those homes. But the math doesn’t add up. In parts of the country, we pay more taxes on a Habitat-built home than we receive in government support. GST/HST relief for non-profits like Habitat would cost governments very little, but would mean the world to lower-income families who partner with us.

MP for Parry Sound-Muskoka and Conservative housing critic Scott Aitchison meets with Habitat Canada President and CEO Pedro Barata

Affordable housing includes homeownership

Through its Affordable Housing Fund, the federal government has committed billions of dollars to affordable housing in Canada, investments we welcome. All types of housing supply, from shelters, to rentals, to market homes, need adequate financing to be built.

With MPs, we pressed for continued and predictable funding for the affordable homeownership that Habitat delivers. Habitat’s program offers a unique pathway to homeownership to families who would otherwise never have the opportunity to own their own home.

In dozens of meetings, our advocacy was met with enthusiasm. The Members of Parliament we spoke with recognize the value of Habitat's work in their communities and were open to hearing our solutions for putting more deserving families on the path to owning their own home. We look forward to working together to continue making that a reality.