Venue and Accommodations

Hockley Valley Resort

793522 Mono 3rd Line, Mono, ON L9W 5X7

Floor Plan

View Hockley Valley Resort Floor Plan to find meal and session locations.


Hockley Valley Resort provides complimentary parking.

Emergency Procedures

View Hockley Valley Resort Emergency Procedures to familiarize yourself with procedures in case of an emergency.


DO NOT go online or call the hotel to book your accommodations. Accommodations will be included in your entire Habitat ReStore University registration and made on your behalf.

Please note: Within registration you will have the option to have a single or double occupancy room. Rooms are limited and are on a first-come-first-serve basis. Don’t miss out and register early!

Check-in: 4 p.m.
Check-out: 11 a.m.